Scholarship Awards
- Miss Bertha Monteiro Scholarship (Primary)
- Miss Audrey Viegas Scholarship (Primary)
- T.A. Scholarship (Primary)
- Management’s Scholarship (Primary)
- Ex-Paulite Association Scholarship (Std IX)
- Miss Savita da Costa Menezes Scholarship (Std. X)
- David & Co., Scholarship
- Mrs. Jerry Menezes & fly. Scholarship
- Jovia Fernandes Scholarship
- Mrs. Ines Almeida Coutinho Scholarship
- Mrs. Arlindo Miranda Scholarship
- Mrs. Joaquim Fillipe Soares Scholarship
- Mrs. Agostinho Antao Scholarship
- Mrs. Colaço Scholarship
- Mrs. Benjamin Lourenço Scholarship
- Late Mr. Peter Joaquim Abreu Scholarship
- Tracy Fernandes Scholarship
- Risania Mazarello Scholarship
- Mrs. Ivo Rodrigues Scholarship
- Mrs. Shaikh Rehman Scholarship
- Mrs. Jack Fernandes Scholarship
- Rosy Pereira Scholarship
- Late Sr. Marcilia Scholarship (Std IX) founded by the SSC students of 1996-97
- Late Luis Alex Viegas Scholarship (SSC passed)
- Late Sr. Casilda Scholarship (Std. IX) for the needy
- Miss Andrea Colaco Scholarship for the most progressive student of Stds VIII, IX, X.
- Late Mrs. Lira Carvalho e Vaz Scholarship Grace Parishioner
- Miss Arina Henriques Scholarship for the most deserving student of Std. X
- Late Eng. Veena Melony Miranda Scholarship (Std. VIII)
- Late Dr. (Miss) Angela Sa Scholarship for the most needy student of stds. VIII-X
- Late Miss RadhaShenoy Scholarship for the most progressive student in Maths (Std. X)
- Late Mr.Custodio D’Cunha, Ms Catherina D’Cunha, Ms Ludovina & Mr. Florence D’Cunha Scholarship for a needy student.
- Late Miss Marisa Rodrigues Scholarship founded by her friends for a needy student.
- Margao Municipal Council Scholarship with a certificate of honour to the student securing highest marks in Social Science (Std. X)